
UPC offers a wide range of services and skills to see your project to completion, from initial strategic planning to ongoing operations. We consider ourselves successful when a client feels confident about the project implementation process, is happy with the design and is delighted with the built result.
Our team develops strategic frameworks and master plans for any kind of site and scale, from small renovations to university campuses. We balance context and historic fabric with our client's objectives and evolving needs. Each phase is outlined and prioritized based on our specific client's goals.
Clear decision making is the key to any capital project. UPC leans on decades of experience working across all forms of organizational governance, from large executive boards to small staff committees. Our team customizes its recommendations to work in line with any institutional structure in order to support effective communication with all parties.
We use weekly updates and monthly reports to keep clients abreast of all project activity, with a focus on critical issues and upcoming decisions. These reports include summaries of meetings held, budget and change order status, schedule progress, and major project activities. In order to support our clients in making key decisions for advancing the project, we present the right information at the right time with clear options and recommendations.
A project’s success depends on the right combination of design and construction professionals working together to meet objectives. We work with the client to identify and select the most qualified firms – architects, design teams, construction managers, general contractors and consultants. We then negotiate and execute agreements and kick-off the work.
UPC brings the technical expertise and creativity required to keep a project's scope, budget and schedule aligned. Decisions made during this phase have an enormous impact on the cost and quality of the final product. Our team coordinates between the owner and the architect to ensure the design stays in alignment with the project’s programmatic and aesthetic goals.
UPC works with a client’s legal team to prepare design, construction and consultant contracts and then monitor contractual responsibilities, deliverables, timelines, and fees. Compliance is tracked through thorough record keeping, meeting minutes, and project reports. We ensure that any submitted additional costs are fully vetted by the relevant team members and represent fair and appropriate value for work performed.
UPC supports, and where appropriate, leads the project team’s efforts to review design and budget details and obtain approval from external entities. We confirm all sign-offs, approvals and permits required to complete the project. We have significant experience working on publicly funded projects and fulfilling their associated reporting. When it becomes necessary, we work directly with local, business and government agencies to address funding requirements and move the approval process forward.
UPC has delivered more than $1 billion in capital projects and we have developed a unique cost controls system that ensures accurate financial documentation and reduces risk and future exposure. Our team tracks all contracts, reviews all billing and recommends appropriate use of contingencies. We maintain records of all confirmed and potential costs, and all change orders are analyzed to substantiate the validity, necessity, and cost of alterations and identify any alternatives.
Our monthly financial reports are designed to keep clients fully informed of the status of the project and of potential risks and mitigation. At the completion of the project, we typically lead the close-out of all documents including those required by various funding sources and assure the submission of required final documents such as lien waivers. Our ultimate responsibility is not only to deliver the project within budget but also to avoid any future exposures.
UPC brings decades of experience to the construction phase and ensures work meets contract requirements exactly. Having such deep industry experience allows us to anticipate potential issues and avert them before they occur. We ensure the construction team has the information they need to advance the work, and that the client is fully informed on the status of the project. We participate actively in team meetings, monitor submittals, construction schedule and any further managing documents generated by the project team.
The transition from construction to operations is one of the most critical phases of a project. Starting in pre-construction we work with the client, the design and construction teams to develop a management transition plan and implement it successfully at the completion of construction. We work with relevant facets of the organization to improve existing facilities management services and ensure that new building equipment and technology is maintained appropriately for long-term use.
We support the close-out process by reviewing the agreements with the architect, contractor and other parties and ensure all requirements have been completed for the project. We work closely with organization staff as they manage move-in and refine operations of the newly upgraded facility.
We improve existing facilities teams and ensure that new building equipment and technology is protected for the life of the building system. We support clients in identifying and onboarding facilities staff, ensuring they are trained and ready to manage building operations.