Brooklyn Community Services

LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY
BUIILD TYPE: Renovation & New Construction
Brooklyn Community Services (BCS) is one of the oldest and largest social services providers in Brooklyn, providing support and opportunities to children, adults and families with mental illness and developmental disabilities. A real estate developer is adding a 7-story residential tower over the 7-story BCS historic building, all while BCS remains in place. The project involves non-profit and private partners, and requires oversight of renovation and new construction.
UPC was engaged to provide oversight, on BCS behalf, of the developer’s construction of the tower and renovation of the existing building. UPC's role involves site walkthroughs, weekly meetings, advising BCS of best practices during the build out, and ensuring implementation of those best practices. UPC will also oversee the fit-out of BCS space in the redeveloped property and assist BCS with move-in and operations start-up.